Saturday, January 17, 2009

DID YOU KNOW? Taweret the Mighty

The goddess Taweret, in her hippopotamus-form, was one of Ancient Egypt's most popular goddesses. The people of the Nile recognized the protective power of the wild mother-hippo for her offspring and believed that such power could be harnessed via worship of Taweret. As a result the goddess was beloved by human mothers, invoked against the dangers of childbirth and household crisis.

This goddess was not only revered in the home; Taweret owned a cult-temple from at least Dynasty XXIII in the Fayyum Region (Wilbour Papyrus) and, as "Opet," she was an important Osirian goddess in her little temple near the 'House of Khonsu' at Karnak.

To learn more about this goddess and other greats, order The Intrepid Wanderer's Guide to Ancient Egyptian Goddesses from on a book cover-link to the right.

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