Friday, January 16, 2009

READER QUESTION: Wadjet and Nekhbet as Isis and Nephthys?

Caryn S. from Gary, Indiana says/asks: "I love the idea and will order your book. My question is do you think that Nekhbet and Wadjet were just different manifestations of Isis and Nephthys for the Egyptians?"

Great question, Caryn. Thank you! While the association you contemplate cannot be ruled out, it's important to remember that evidence for the existence of Nekhbet and Wadjet (tutelary "Crown Goddesses" of Upper and Lower Egypt, respectively) is actually older than evidence for Isis and Nephthys. The latter would be manifestations of the former, if anything. But even that is unlikely. The pairing of Wadjet and Nekhbet was related to the eventual political unification of the Two Lands, and the resulting admiration of divine dualities (which the ancient Egyptians loved). Isis and Nephthys are perhaps more properly linked with the Two Meret Goddesses, or the Two Maats, or with their Osirian avatars, Chentayet and Merkhetes.

To find about more about ALL of these aspects, buy The Intrepid Wanderer's Guide to Ancient Egyptian Goddesses by clicking on the Amazon-link at right.

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