Tayet was one of Egypt's most important (yet oft-overlooked) goddesses, perhaps because her personality was so easily absorbed by those of Neith, Isis, Nephthys and others. Tayet was the patroness of the art of weaving; Egyptians have always taken great pride in their excellent linens, after all. Tayet possessed an important cult alongside the god Min at Akhmim--an ancient center of linen production. As a goddess associated with weaving the bandages used in mummification, Tayet was also honored at Busiris and Abydos, where she was closely identified with Nephthys and Isis, in their forms as "Chentayet goddesses."
To learn more about Tayet and all the greatest goddesses of ancient Egypt, order The Intrepid Wanderer's Guide to Ancient Egyptian Goddesses from your preferred retailer. Click on the appropriate cover-link to the right.
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